Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Fastest Way of searching the directory in windows-Computer Tips

လိုက္လုပ္ခ်င္မွလုပ္ေနာ္....အဆိုးအေကာင္းတာ၀န္မယူပါဗ်ာ.... SO SORRY......THANATAL...
This computer trick will save the all sub directory and file names in text file. This may helpful to analyse the direcotry(you can know what are the contents inside the window without browsing by simple commands). အဆင့္ ၁: First of all open command Prompt. အဆင့္ ၂: Browse to folder which you want to analyze the sub directories and files by using cd commands. ဥပမာ if you want to visit d:/interview folder then try this command. Type "d:" then "cd interview". အဆင့္ ၃: after navigate to direcotry in command prompt, Type this command : dir *.* /s /b > dirlist.txt and hit enter. This will list all sub directories and files with their extension. If you want to list only pdf files just use this command dir *.pdf /s /b > dirlist.txt Likewise, if you want to search only microsoft word files then use this command. dir *.doc /s /b > dirlist.txt If you want to search and list only files that has some certain name. For example, Resume.doc then try this command dir Resume.* /s /b > dirlist.txt (or) dir Resume.doc /s /b > dirlist.txt အဆင့္ ၄: you can find the dirlist.txt file in that directory. i mean it will d:/interview directory. အဆင့္ ၅: open the text file in notepad or notepad++ ,then search your desired file name or folder(for example "resume"),you will get the full path to the file. This is fastest search than the usual windows search. Time is important. Don't waste your time, use this computer trick to search the drive or folder faster. 

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